Experts Corner

The Ecosa Customer Survey 2020: What Real Ecosa Customers Say About Our Mattress

June 2, 2020   By Ecosa Dream Writers

Choosing a new mattress is a big decision. It’s why we offer our 100 night trial, to let your body decide. Nonetheless, it helps if you get it right first time, for the sake of logistics and heavy lifting, if nothing else. 

We asked Ecosa customers some ‘bedroom questions’ about them and their mattress, to help you decide whether our adjustable firmness memory foam is right for you. Here’s what they had to say.

What Age Groups Love Ecosa Mattresses the Most?

While we have customers in all age groups, we’ve found those aged between 25-34 made up almost a third of our customer base, closely followed by those aged 35-55!

Why Buy a New Mattress?

It’s a good question. What made our 90,000 customers across Australia and New Zealand decide it was time to switch? 67% said it was to replace an old, sagging mattress, while 20% opted to make the move to Ecosa due to to health problems. Ecosa’s adjustable firmness feature makes it great for those with back pain, and being latex-free with a dust-mite free inner cover makes it great for those with allergies. 

Read: How the Ecosa Mattress is Helping Aussies Sleep Better

What’s Your Sleep Position?

Sleep positions have a huge impact on how a mattress feels, so we asked Ecosa lovers what positions they spend most of the night in. Over half classed themselves as side sleepers (54%), while almost a quarter went freestyle. 14% are back sleepers, while a tiny 7% are stomach sleepers.

Does the Ecosa Mattress Help with Aches and Pains?

With 20% of our customers making the move to Ecosa due to health conditions, it makes sense that over half saw a noticeable improvement in lower back pain or general discomfort. One in ten saw improvements to hip pains, while 12% noticed a reduction in neck stiffness. Wake up achy? It could be time to switch to Ecosa.

Who’s Sleeping on the Ecosa Mattress?!

Alright, we’ve got the pillow talk, the bedroom secrets, the ultimate tea – who are our Ecosa customers sharing their memory foam mattress with. Over half (57%) of Ecosa customers share their mattress with a partner, while almost 1 in 10 share with a pet! A third of us are going solo, and we can’t think of anything better than starfishing across our ultra-plush memory foam and cuddling up with our supersoft bamboo bedding!

Read: How a Good Mattress Can Improve Your Relationship

Will I Like Memory Foam?

We get it, memory foam is a big change if you’re used to springs. We love it, but on the whole its reputation is still suffering the hangover of its original launch in the nineties, where it became known for its ‘slow spring back’ capabilities. Remember laying on mattresses in stores and pointing at your silhouette as it slowly decompresses back to a smooth surface? Yeah, memory foam has come a long way since then. In fact, we reinvented it, to keep all the back support and squishy comfort, without the stifling heat and density. Almost 80% of Ecosa customers made the leap from an inner-spring or pocket spring – and they’re loving memory foam life. A wild 0.7% switched to Ecosa from a water bed, too!

Which Firmness Level Is Right for Me?

The beauty of the Ecosa mattress means you flip the three foam layers around into three different firmness configurations – medium, medium-firm and firm. Over two thirds of Ecosa customers (70.83%) preferred the default medium setting, while 15.97% upped the anti more with our medium-firm setting. 13.19% opted for our firmest setting.

Shop the Ecosa mattress.

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