Tips For Better Sleep

Should You Make Your Bed In The Morning?

March 15, 2021   By Ecosa Dream Writers

The debate on whether you should be making your bed in the morning is a hot topic, and the arguments of either side can be quite surprising.

Most people believe that making your bed first thing in the morning is essential, while the younger generations and even some experts say that you shouldn’t be making your bed right after you wake up.

So, which is it? Should making your bed be your first task of the day, or should you just leave your bed as it is? Continue reading to settle the score.

Why Make Your Bed in the Morning?

When you ask people why they make their bed in the morning, the common answer is either for cleanliness or their parents made them do it when they were kids, and it just became a habit.

People who like a clean and organised space might see an unmade bed and shiver, hating the messiness that comes with the look. 

Making your bed in the morning is also a form of discipline, a great way to kick-start your tasks for the day and can motivate you to stay productive and smash your goals.

In a commencement speech at the University of Texas, Admiral William McRaven stated that making your bed first thing in the morning can lead to better productivity.

A simple task accomplished such as making your bed can give you a small sense of pride that can set the tone of accomplishment for the day. “By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.”

American journalist and writer, Charles Duhigg, has also weighed in on the topic of making your bed in the morning. In his best-selling book The Power Of Habit, he explains; “Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget. It’s not that a family meal or a tidy bed causes better grades or less frivolous spending. But somehow those initial shifts start chain reactions that help other good habits take hold.” 

Making your bed can also be a therapeutic and relaxing task. For some, doing little things like folding sheets, arranging throw pillows and tidying up a room can give a sense of relaxation and order.

Likewise, jumping into a well-made bed right before sleeping can give off a rewarding feeling that you made that bed, and you deserve to sleep in a tidy and cosy bed.

Are There Reasons Not to Make Your Bed?

While it’s a common practise to make your bed in the morning, you’ll be surprised that there are plenty of arguments that say otherwise.

You might be shocked to learn that it’s much more hygienic to not make your bed first thing in the morning. This is because we sweat so much in our sleep, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

During sleep we shed off a lot of dead skin cells and these microscopic flakes accumulate on our sheets every time. Gross, we know.

Making your bed and covering your fitted sheets creates a dark and damp environment from the sweat, making it the perfect breeding ground for dust mites, mould and other nasties.

There are more than a million dust mites on the surface of your bed. These together with their droppings, dead skin cells, and dust can be potential allergens, irritants or even trigger asthma attacks.

Airing out your bed in the morning sun is nature’s own way of allowing your bed to breathe, letting the moisture from your air evaporate, and for the sun rays to help disinfect your bed’s surface.

What If I Really Want to Make My Bed?

Allowing your bed to air out and the sunlight to reach your bed is a great way to get rid of allergens and reduce dust mites. You can still make your bed, but try around 30 minutes after you get out of bed.

If you can’t be bothered to wait for a later time, you may try to dust off your bed or shake the doona away from the bed. This isn’t a guaranteed solution, but it helps to significantly reduce the presence of dust and other allergens on the surface.

What else can I do?

Making your bed in the morning isn’t the only way to ensure that you have a nice and clean bed to sleep on. Here are a few ways to keep your sleeping environment clean for the best night’s sleep.

Frequently Change Your Sheets

Changing your duvet covers, bedsheets, blankets, and pillowcases regularly is one of the best ways to keep your bed clean. It is highly recommended that you swap out and wash your sheets at least every 1 to 2 weeks to prevent any accumulation of dead skin cells and dust mites. This includes your pillowcase!

Wash Up before Going to Bed

Taking a bath or shower can help wash off some dead skin cells and dirt that haven’t fallen off from your body This reduces the amount that you shed when you’re in bed.

Likewise, change into a fresh set of pyjamas or comfortable sleepwear so that you don’t bring the dust from the outside world inside your bedroom.

Sleep in a Cool Environment

Summers in Australia can often be too warm, so lower your room temperature with air conditioning so you don’t sweat as much during your sleep. This reduces the dampness from sweat in the morning, which can be a breeding ground for dust mites.

A nice, cool room won’t just reduce your sweating, it also allows you to achieve better quality sleep. 

Go Hypoallergenic

Opt for mattresses that are naturally hypoallergenic. The Ecosa Mattress has microfilaments on the outer cover which protects your bed from dust mites and other allergens, plus it’s machine washable for easy cleaning.

Using bamboo sheets and bedding are also a great option because they are naturally hypoallergenic, antibacterial, and allow you to sleep cool at night.

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