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3 Reasons Why Silk Pillowcases Are Beneficial For Acne Prone Skin

November 16, 2022   By Clarisa Mcdonald

Have you ever had problems with breakouts? Is your regular skin care unable to cope with the number of pimples you see on your face every day? If you answered yes, you might be suffering from acne.

Without delving into the specifics, acne is a skin condition where pores in the face are obstructed hair follicles, leading to excess amounts of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. It is most common in teenagers with 93% of Aussie teens struggling with skin issues.

According to most dermatologists, the biggest trigger for acne is the buildup of oil on our facial skin, particularly, excess amounts of sebum, a waxy substance secreted by our sebaceous glands.

Although acne is not a huge health concern, it can lead to other skin complications and can be a source of mental health issues, loss of confidence and stress. Left untreated, it most likely won’t go away on its own and may lead to scarring on the skin.

Many factors lead to blemishes and acne problems like stress, hormones, diet and lifestyle, and even the use of face masks. Your environment and living conditions also affect the health of your skin, particularly on your face. A dermatologist may recommend medication to help with severe cases of acne.

Aside from loading your face with serums, cleansers, and creams, and following a strict skincare routine, there are other ways to look after your skin during acne breakouts. This skincare product is not as mainstream as you think.

Enter silk pillowcases.

Like most things in life, pillowcases are not created equal. Quality, materials and frequency of washing are all factors of a pillowcase that can impact your skin.

Silk pillowcases have been promoted as many celebrities’ best-kept beauty secret, and they are especially great for people who have acne-prone or sensitive skin.

You must be wondering, how can pillowcases be a deterrent against skin problems. Is the hype real? Don’t worry we got you covered. Here are 3 reasons why switching to silk pillowcases does wonders for acne-prone skin.

Silk Is Hypoallergenic

Most people would know that hypoallergenic products like silk are allergen repellants and while that’s true, that isn’t their only purpose.

One reason why people with acne should switch to silk pillowcases is their hypoallergenic properties – regardless of skin type. As mentioned earlier, acne can be triggered by environmental factors and this including dust, dirt and bacteria.

A house full of dust, dog hair and other irritants is not great for our health in general, and all these can cause breathing issues as well as irritate the skin.

Dust buildup in the bedroom might seem just a bit gross, but there’s so much more to it. Aside from triggering asthma, dust mites and dirt can lead to acne breakouts. That’s why it’s advisable to keep your bedroom, including your beddings and pillowcases, squeaky clean.

Yes, there may be days when you do not have the energy to clean and you start to notice dust accumulating. Well, it’s an important task, but we have a small solution to help pass the time between cleans. You guessed it, it’s a silk pillowcase.

While cotton pillowcases are commonly thought of as the best choice for a relaxing sleep experience, silk offers more versatility. The hypoallergenic nature allows it to repel dirt and bacteria, keeping your face clean while you sleep. Likewise, some cotton pillowcases trap more moisture and dead skin cells in the fabric which often worsens acne breakouts on the face.

It is also for that reason that silk pillowcases are perfect for acne-prone skin, as it ensures that no dust and dirt will irritate your face as you settle down for the night.

Another noticeable difference between cotton and silk pillowcases is that cotton is a more absorbent material. This means it retains more dust and oil which can trigger acne breakouts. It also means that your cotton pillowcase is absorbing all your skincare while you sleep, leaving little on your face. Silk simply glides over your skin, keeping your facial oils and moisturisers where they should be, on your face. The benefits of silk over cotton are easily more recognizable, which makes it one of the best pillowcase materials available to prevent flare-ups from occurring.

Silk Means Fewer Creases

Aside from its dust-repelling property, silk pillowcases also barely crease and yes, that is a big deal.

Creases in most fabric, particularly cotton, are unavoidable side effects of use and pillowcases see the most movement than most. According to studies, most people move 13 times an hour while sleeping. Multiply that by 8 hours of sleep and you get the picture.

Is creasing in pillowcases that bad? Actually, it is, especially if you suffer from acne. All that friction and rubbing between your face and pillowcases will aggravate the skin, which can lead to further irritation and breakouts, especially for sensitive skin.

With a silk pillowcase, you get less friction as it’s made of fabric that is, for lack of a better term, silky smooth. That means you can move all you want and your face will simply glide across the pillow, this helps prevent fine lines from showing up on your face – making it an effortless anti-aging lifehack.

Minimal creasing isn’t only good for your face alone. Less friction also means less frizz and breakage which does wonders for your hair. Why is that good? Less hair fallout means less oil and hair products coming in contact with your face means fewer irritants.

If you plan on making the switch to silk pillowcases, be sure to check the momme where the higher the number, the better. Going for pure 100 per cent mulberry silk is a good investment for your daily beauty sleep.

No Chemicals Needed

Unlike other fabrics, silk is naturally occurring and doesn’t require chemicals in its manufacturing process, making it healthier than other microfibres. Not only is it good for your sensitive skin but also for the environment.

Most textile manufacturers use strong chemicals like bleach, formaldehyde, and certain heavy metals to make their fabrics resistant to breakage, however, this means that they’re often toxic.

Dermatology experts will tell you that lesser toxins mean healthier skin. That extends to the sheets and even pillowcases we use. Every day, our face encounters irritants and pollutants that may trigger acne problems.

Giving your face a breather every time you sleep by using silk pillowcases made from natural raw materials and manufactured without the use of chemicals does wonder for your skin.

What makes silk pillowcases good options for people with acne problems is that they need little to no fabric softener to maintain. Most mainstream fabric softeners use chemicals to make clothes and sheets softer which may harm the skin.

Silk is usually a delicate material that requires hand washing, however, if your pillowcase is made as well as the 25 momme silk pillowcases from Ecosa (higher than the typical 18-22 momme), the material is strong enough to be machine washable – lessening your laundry woes.

Check out: 9 Reasons Why a Silk Pillowcase is Good for You

Are Mulberry Silk Pillowcases Worth It?

Silk, aside from being hypoallergenic and eco-friendly, also has hydration properties allowing it to help your skin and even hair retain helpful moisture, keeping them fresh and glowing.

When choosing the best silk pillowcases, make sure that there are no hidden zippers that might irritate your face. Also, a product with a higher momme count means better quality and a longer-lasting product.

Whether you suffer from acne or you want to maintain healthy skin, silk pillowcases are your best bet. The Ecosa Silk Pillowcase is your perfect beauty sleep companion that will help you get on the path to glowing skin. Just remember to wash your pillowcases weekly!

Check out: Are Silk Pillowcases Good for Acne-Prone Skin?

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